Imagic Solution Provide weighbridge e-monitoring system or Weighbridge E-Reporting system with many different type
of Accessories like CCTV Photo Capturing on Weighbridge Weighment Time, SMS Sending on Weighbridge Weighment,
Email Sending on Weighbridge Weighment.
System provide best solution as per customer require with weighbridge E-Monitoring System like
CCTV Camera Integration.
SMS Send on Every Weighment
Email Send on Every Weighment
Send WhatsApp Message With Ticket PDF on Customer Mobile from Weighbridge Software
RFID Tag Integration
Barrier Integration
Integrate with other software like SAP, Oracle, ERP
Key Features :
CCTV Camera Integration with Software, As per client require 1, 2,3, 4.
Vehicle Video Movie Recording On Weighment Time (Automatically)
SMS & Email Sending as per customer requirement, every weighment or per day one Excel/CSV/Text file email
Advantages :
Check vehicle photo after weighment. System Provide Photo Viewer Facility.
Remove manual operator mistake.
Fast throughput for busy weighbridges
Fully integrate solution into you Back Office Systems like SAP, Oracle, ERP.
Automatic identification of driver, truck, trailer with RFID TAG
The same radio card is used by the Driver at the tare weighbridge as at gross.
We provide E-Monitoring Systems / Photo Capturing System.
It is highly beneficial and very much useful to most of the industries.